Submit My Rabbit Story
Now you can post your story to Story about My Rabbit page in our site, have you check that page? Do you have a real-life story about pet rabbit, special relationship with your rabbit or your other interesting rabbit related stories? You may submit your story here, and it may include your rabbit photos too. To submit your story simply just fill out the Submit Story request form below then submit. If you want to submit photo for the story, you can check your email for the Next Step on how to send your photo file to us. Now first, please read our submission guidelines. Story submission guidelines: - Story should be related to pet rabbit. It can be story about your rabbit, story about your special relationship with your rabbit, or your other interesting rabbit related stories.
- It must be a real-life story, not a fiction.
- If including photo for the story, it must be a real photo, an original work, not images scanned from magazines or newspapers or something else. Good quality photo at least 640x480 resolutions in .jpg or .gif format, preferably not more 2Mb in size.
- Please submit only a good taste, non offensive, and interesting story.
- By submitting a story (and photo) you guarantee that the story (and photo) submitted are free from any copyright restrictions. You certify that you have the right to distribute the story (and photo) and agree to grant an exclusive, royalty-free, irrevocable, transferable, perpetual license to My Pet Rabbit to publicly display and use on website, in communication emails, and other possible usages.
- Please note that submission does not guarantee display in our site. It’s subject to our review and judgment. We reserve the rights to accept, edit, modify, delete any parts or reject the story (and photo).
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